Overview of our WKF forms or Kata discipline 2022


Dear friends in martial arts!

Respected WKF country presidents!



As everybody know, next World Championship 2024 is coming up in France.

Today we have 14 categories for forms/Kata/poomse/Hyong/creative   etc.

To avoid any misunderstandings on the tatami or mat, I would like to ask you kindly one more time to read carefully the online WKF rule book for forms.

To see what is a traditional form, have a look here in two lists of forms. 

What are the dress codes?

When does the timer start e.g. for traditional forms with and without weapons ?

Any traditional form / Kata etc. can be customized, but it still has to be recognizable.

From our official WKF recognized List and a traditional Japanese or Korean form or Kata!

In creative and freestyle:  also compiled (with parts of existing forms) form using traditional techniques is permitted.

What is the time limit in creative forms or soft style forms?

All traditional Forms must be using traditional moves only.

Any traditional Form / Kata / Pommse / Hyong etc. must resemble a traditional work, an adaptation will be acceptable if added moves are of a traditional nature.


Budo weapons for forms 1
Budo weapons for forms 2


Any so called “allstyle” form is not a traditional one!


For any creative forms is just the division creative forms with music, with and without weapon.

Once again I kindly ask you read the online forms rule book , available in 4 languages!

There you will find exactly what is a traditional form, where is which time limit, what is a creative form and so on.

I thank you for the cooperation and wish all of us many traditional participants and a successful 2022



Next Open European Cup in spring 2022 in Brno, Czech Republic

WKF Česká Republica předseda pan Raddy DIVIS

WKF CZECH REPUBLIC president Mr. Raddy DIVIS invite and confirm next





European Cup



spring 2022 !




open for all tough male/female


American K-1 Champions


and all countries in the World!



In kick-light for Junior boys and girls 13-18 Years, adults 16 Years + in K-1 only,

for strong female and male in the city Brno in Moravia, Czech Republic.

Plus WKF title fights on the fight card in the finals.


YOU think you´re tough ? Come to Brno and prove it !


For further information please contact WKF CZECH by mail.



All US and Canadian teams,



fighters and real Champions are most welcome in Czech Republic !


Předseda pan Raddy DIVIS

Česká Republika úřad mail: info@wkf.cz   Hledáme nové zaměstnance pro řízení WKF v České republice !!!

Těšíme se na Vás …

WKF K-1 World Grand Prix – big chance for any serious US promoter

On the last World congress in Cairo WKF head office present first time on the African continent the new league:  




This is for all our AAA WKF promoter only.

Our WKF EUROPE  head office confirm the WKF WORLD GRAND PRIX  June 25th, 2022

What are the conditions to promote in USA next WGP and to become AAA promoter level ?


International Champions from at least 3 continents!

Two air tickets for each foreign fighter and his corner man,

food and good Hotel, paid by the organizing team, nice hospitality.



Big Chance for any male / female US Champion to fight abroad !


International WKF licensed referee and supervisor, solely appointed by our WKF head office,

TV contract (!) for the event and at least one professional WKF World title !

Are you interested to organize our WKF WORLD GRAND PRIX in your town ?

Sanction fee for the WKF World Grand Prix is part of negotiation.


The next WKF WORLD GRAND PRIX 2021 takes place in Europe and has already been confirmed  !


For the WKF “KNOCK-OUT” World Grand Prix in Austria Champions from 10 countries and 4 continents in negotiation for the fight card.

Due to the worldwide CONVID-19 virus situation, the date had to be postponed to June 25th.  The organizers in Austria have confirmed the “WKF WORLD GRAND PRIX” again. It’s good to have more time to register and prepare for our US champions.

China, Austria, USA, Canada, Argentina, Spain, Hungary, Romania, Greece, Poland and more in negotiations …

This is again a cooperation with K-1 Fighting Network Austria !

International K-1 eight man tournament, plus  WKF sanctioned title fights, plus international Ladies fights, plus excellent show program, pretty ring girls and much more. 


More details coming soon, stay tuned …


WKF PRO POINT FIGHTING 2022 – a story of success

WKF head office runs very succsessfully PPF – Pro Point Fighting.

Many requests World wide and few title fights show the right idea. Many point fighter like the serious way how it goes.

The idea behind is to upgrade our thousands of semi contact – or point fighting – fighters World wide.

Many tournaments on all continents has many competitors and now WKF offers the Chance to fight for a real pro title and Champion belt, sanctioned by our WKF World Kickboxing federation.

Posted in the weekly updated ranking and with high value. Valid with same rules everywhere, same system like in professional Ring sport.

We are always open for your requests, or if you want to promote a title fight, or how to bring a new male / female fighter in the World ranking.

How it goes, and all rules in various languages, regular updated PPF World ranking and more on our PPF official web site.

For further requests contact PPF head office by mail, – or contact directly  our WKF head office, in Espanol, Deutsch, русском языке or English language.

WKF World title belt for PPF



















VIP event in Austria “Night of the knights” – part 2

Night of the knights – inside this 900 Years old castle

WKF EUROPE confirm the next WGP – WKF World Grand Prix inside this 900 (!) Years old castle.

The WGP is scheduled for June 25th, 2022 and the finale date is now confirmed.

For this event the next US Champion male or female is already in negotiation, soon we know more about.

knights in action

This is just for our AAA WKF promoters only.


What are the conditions?

International Champions from at least 3 continents!

Two air tickets for fighter and coach abroad, food and good Hotel budget from the organizing team, good hospitality.


International WKF licensed referees and neutral supervisor,

appointed by our head office. TV contract for the event.

At least one professional World title !


Are you interested to promote such event ?


WKF sanction fee for any World Grand Prix is part of negotiation.

here the ring is set up, VIP event for 1500 people – inside a 900 Years old castle! Who wants to fight here?


WKF is looking for new promoters in Mexico, USA and CANADA

Fritz EXENBERGER, WKF World president and CEO




World Kickboxing Federation


WKF North America logosince 1064 is the oldest and one of the largest real World wide sanctioning body for Kickboxing, Thai boxing and MMA.

Since April 2015 we have also SANDA division in our program.

For amateur events as well as for professionals.

We have 6 continental office and 142 member countries World wide on 6 continents.

Now we want to invite YOUR champions for international events in Africa, Asia, Latin America and Europe and we are looking for new WKF promoters and managers in USA, CANADA and MEXICO.

If you´re interested to become part of the WKF family send just a mail to our office.

Our main web site from WKF World head office is here: www.wkfworld.com

On the top right hand you will find the translater for other languages .



We are present at your service on 6 continents






Many tough WKF European Champions are ready to Challenge US fighters 2021 at home in USA !

WKF is very strong in Europe
US World Champion Mike SHEPPARD

WKF EUROPE head office ask for the following publication update:


In the past many US guys fought in Europe vs. local or European Champions for WKF titles, in K-1 style as well as in Muay Thai!

With less success, because very often their fighter profile was incorrect.

Just Heavyweight Mike SHEPPARD from Palestine beat the Russian Champion in Moscow by KO! Mike fought also in Australia for the IKF  heavy weight World title and beat Australian Robert WILESMITH badly by Knock-out!

Honor and respect, Mike !!!


In the world outside USA real pro have 50 and more ring sport amateur fights, before the move on to real professional ring sport.

NO fighter with e.g. just 10 fights get a chance to fight for WKF pro titles, and NO old guy with 35 Years plus. This is outside USA impossible.

Please note – e.g.Russian Champions start as juniors and when they became 20 Years old, they can have more than 100 (!) fights. Real international fights in ring sport, we are not talking about tatami point fighting!


ANDWKF- World Kickboxing Federation – is a world wide sanctioning body on 6 continents in more than 140 countries.

Not a private promoter company, select or decide who and where, which champions fight for their XYZ company titles !


AND – US federal state vs. US federal state World title in any federation – has absolute NO VALUE outside USA !



If you never have fought abroad outside, facing the best fighter in the World rankings, from Europe, Africa, Latin America or Asia –




Our European Champions are bored about! You don´t belief this facts ?

Invite a selected team from Europe, we help with 7 male / female fighters at any time.

WKF EUROPE expect 10 airline tickets, nice hospitality, good Hotel and food. Ready when you are !

More details we can discuss, send a serious request by mail to our office. IF YOU ARE A REAL PROMOTER!



Cristian MILEA, WKF World Champion K-1

Strong European Champions want 2021 now to fight in USA

and to challenge few of the best US Champions !


Every US promoter East or West coast can request for real tough male and female Champions. Our WKF EUROPE head office assist with great pleasure to find the right opponent for YOUR champion.

Are YOU tough enough ?

Send your request by mail only, please !


YOU are interested and you have a fighter, male or female ? With perhaps 20 and more fights in ring sport?

Great – send your serious request, with honest (!) fighter profile and few good JPG photos. And in 48 hours we advise and recommend fighter for you ! But please – no bigmouth.


WKF EUROPE recommend for you :


Cristian MILEA European and World Champion !!!


He is our current professional World Champion in K-1, Superwelterweight – 153 lbs/ 69, 50 kg.

He beat the French ISKA Champion Kamara MADICKE by points and is a real professional fighter. Many so called Champions don´t want to face him in the Ring. In his amateur career he had more than 150 (!) fights plus 98 professional fights.

He fight e.g. in Colosseum event series, or in China and other huge events in Asia.


Who want to challenge him on YOUR next event in USA ?

Where are your strong US Champions ???


Alexandra PETRE, 4 times European K-1 Champion + 145 lbs

Now he is looking for a good fight in USA !

Do you have a tough 153 lbs  K-1 fighter ?


Alexandra, our best European female Heavyweight +145 lbs / + 66 Kg

looking for any Girl K-1 challenger ?


Florian BARTL, 8 times World Champion

Florian BARTL 8 times PRO-AM World Champion in K-1  – 189 lbs

Florian BARTL –  is a tough puncher as well and a young twenty-one Years old talented fighter.

HIS FIGHT IN “COLOSSEUM EVENT” on Bukarest, Romania.

He won again his last fight September 22nd in “16th Night of Glory”  event,

by KO in 3rd round vs. Czech Champion Ivo CRHAK.

And he won again 2 more fights by KO in Buenos Aires, Argentina!


He fought World wide vs. the best local foreign Champions. YOUTUBE TRAILER

Many promoters in Europe, Africa and Asia want to have him on their shows, money talks! 🙂

Today he has an unbelievable fighting record of  36 fights, 31 wins and 18 by KO with just 5 defeats!

Bartl is PRO-AM World Champion and fought on 6 continents (!) in many huge events.


Now he is looking for a good fight in USA in 2021 !

Do you have a tough – 189 lbs  K-1 fighter ?

A young Gladiator in the ring, can´t be much better !

Últimas noticias de la WKF Latinoamérica / Breaking News from WKF Latin America

ARGENTINA – BUENOS AIRES – Certificación de Danes

Puedes encontrar más fotos aquí


El pasado 18 de diciembre se tomaron exámenes en la sede del PFC encabezada por el 5to dan Internacional WKF Nicolas Ryske, en dicho examen rindieron cinturones Negros de la academia y se tomaran 3 exámenes con certificación internacional.

Para 2do Dan Francisco Fernández, para 2do Dan Federico Gentiluomo y para 3er Dan Esteban Seijo.

La mesa examinadora se completó con la presencia de Pablo Roa en representación de Cristian Bosch 7mo Dan Internacional WKF.

Con un exitoso examen 3 nuevos Danes Internacionales forman parte del selecto grupo de Profesores y Maestros de WKF en América Latina.








ARGENTINA – MENDOZA – Elite Warriors


Con proyección a los campeonatos Nacionales 2022/2023 y el Panamericano 2023, la provincia de Mendoza en Argentina comenzó una serie de clasificatorios que sumarán e incluirán otras provincias cuyanas en el calendario 2022.

3En esta oportunidad Peleadores de Elite fue el puntapié inicial de una serie de eventos en la región que conformarán la liga cuyana de kickboxing en un exitoso 2022.

La jornada fue muy calurosa, en la tarde de Lujan de Cuyo y se encendió aún más, con un marco espectacular de público, quienes dieron el presente para disfrutar de 25 combates amateurs en las modalidades de Kick Boxing y Full contact.

Agradecimientos a los Profesores que se hicieron presentes con sus alumnos, a la enorme cantidad de público y a todo el equipo de trabajo quienes realizaron una imponente labor para generar un evento dinámico y eficaz en todos sus sectores. 





URUGUAY – MONTEVIDEO – Primer Clasificatorio


El pasado 18 de diciembre se desarrolló en Montevideo a primera fecha de la serie de clasificatorios de Uruguay rumbo a los compromisos Internacionales del 2022

Con la participación de 12 academias se realizaron 50 combates entre Amateurs y Pro Am de los cuales surgió el primer finalista para la disputa del cinturón continental en Chile el próximo 22 de abril de 2022. 

Desde la oficina de Uruguay los organizadores Nicolas Mujica, Ignacio Valdez y Gabriel Guarise agradecen al equipo de trabajo conformado por Alexis Flores, Guillermo Curti, Carlos Arganaraz, Daniel Tolo, Nicolas Sauco y destacar la colaboración de Pablo Pirozinsky.

Entre febrero y marzo se realizará la segunda ronda de eliminatorias y la final correspondiente que clasificará al peleador uruguayo que representará al país por la disputa del título continental. 





El sábado 18 de diciembre en punto de las 10:00 am se dió inicio al torneo amateur con un total de 30 combates con competidores de toda la república mexicana. A las 6:00 pm del mismo día la Gala “Thai Cup” comenzó la velada que conto con 8 contiendas amateur de alto nivel técnico. 

La velada conto con un presentador de lujo, música con banda en vivo, transmisión en vivo con narración vía facebook por “Gladiadores extremos” y transmisión tv abierta en la sede Guanajuato por el canal 8.

Todos los combates, tanto los del torneo como los de la gala tuvieron su respectiva premiación de medallas de primero y segundo lugar, equipo de competencia de primer nivel por “BAD SPORTS MEXICO” y referees y jueces avalados por parte de la comisión de la WKF México.

Cerrando el año América Latina sigue creciendo día a día y desde nuestro continente queremos desearles una muy feliz navidad y un gran 2022 a toda la familia de WKF en el mundo.


¡¡Nadie es más fuerte que todos nosotros juntos!!