Quiero agradecer a Ezequiel Cordobana por su participación, destacar la buena onda que pegamos junto a su entrenador Pablo Fernández y con el equipo de Uruguay lideradaro por Ignacio Valdez con quienes compartimos alojamiento en chile.
Desde Argentina esto se pudo lograr gracias a Road To ya que el circuito solventó todos los gastos del competidor para su viaje de Buenos a Chile.
Ahora el próximo cinturón será en Colombia ya informaremos el peso y la fecha.
Solo Road To te da está chance!

I want to thank Ezequiel Cordobana for his participation, highlighting the good vibes we had together with his coach Pablo Fernández and with the Uruguayan team led by Ignacio Valdez with whom we shared accommodation in Chile.
From Argentina this could be achieved thanks to Road To since the circuit covered all the competitor’s expenses for his trip from Buenos to Chile.
Now the next belt will be in Colombia and we will inform the weight and the date.
Only Road To gives you this chance!!