Welcome in the WKF MMA World

WKF MMA continental champion
WKF MMA continental US champion



WKF – World Kickboxing Federation – is one of the greatest and World wide sanctioning body for Kick boxing and MMA in amateur and pro.

Visit our MMA division and you could find on our always updated web site mma.wkfworld.com all important facts, MMA rankings and news about MMA in our World sanctioning body.
For any requests contact our WKF head office by mail and visit our main web site www.wkfworld.com.
If you want to fight for our titles do not hesitate to sent a mail  to our MMA office with your requests.
WKF MMA World champion
WKF MMA World champion

Overview of our WKF forms or Kata discipline 2022


Dear friends in martial arts!

Respected WKF country presidents!



As everybody know, next World Championship 2024 is coming up in France.

Today we have 14 categories for forms/Kata/poomse/Hyong/creative   etc.

To avoid any misunderstandings on the tatami or mat, I would like to ask you kindly one more time to read carefully the online WKF rule book for forms.

To see what is a traditional form, have a look here in two lists of forms. 

What are the dress codes?

When does the timer start e.g. for traditional forms with and without weapons ?

Any traditional form / Kata etc. can be customized, but it still has to be recognizable.

From our official WKF recognized List and a traditional Japanese or Korean form or Kata!

In creative and freestyle:  also compiled (with parts of existing forms) form using traditional techniques is permitted.

What is the time limit in creative forms or soft style forms?

All traditional Forms must be using traditional moves only.

Any traditional Form / Kata / Pommse / Hyong etc. must resemble a traditional work, an adaptation will be acceptable if added moves are of a traditional nature.


Budo weapons for forms 1
Budo weapons for forms 2


Any so called “allstyle” form is not a traditional one!


For any creative forms is just the division creative forms with music, with and without weapon.

Once again I kindly ask you read the online forms rule book , available in 4 languages!

There you will find exactly what is a traditional form, where is which time limit, what is a creative form and so on.

I thank you for the cooperation and wish all of us many traditional participants and a successful 2022