Following our many members from all over the World, WKF head office started now with a new SANDA & WUSHU division.
This includes all Sanda male/female fighters, fill in the online profile, add a jpg photo to be listed in the SANDA World ranking. For professionals we over same SANDA title belts like in ring sport or MMA.
Our modern and interactive approach to this sport highlights our commitment to keeping you updated with the latest events taking place worldwide.
The WKF SANDA & WUSHU DIVISION was formed in February 2015, the WKF stresses its strong belief in offering equal opportunities to sufficiently skilled athletes who have practised Kickboxing, enabling them to display their talents in the National and International Amateur and Professional arenas.
Also to ensure the credibility of their “world championship” titles and gives these world class athletes an international platform on which to perform.
On the last WKF World congress in Buenos Aires we had on request of few member countries a change in our Board of directors.
New WKF Latin America continental director is Mr. Carlos SUAREZ from Buenos Aires. Now Mr. Suarez is one of 6 Vice-presidents in WKF World federation and has an important vote and voice, to represent all LAC matters . Very soon he will bring strong Latin American Champions on many WKF events World wide.
Mr. Suarez is long time in our business, well know as serious promoter in Latin America.
All promoters, fighters, managers are invited to contactMr. Suarez in Buenos Aires by mail, for further cooperation in WKF World wide.
„Nadie es más fuerte que todos nosotros juntos.“
Desde hoy comenzamos un nuevo camino innovaremos para hacer crecer WKF en América Latina y les propongo que trabajemos en Equipo. Pero trabajar implica compromiso, implica que podamos contar unos con otros, implica el poder superar diferencias y tirar todos hacia un mismo lado.
Aquí no hay nada mágico, nada va a caer del cielo, ni saldrán conejos de la galera, tenemos que lograrlo con esfuerzo y trabajo, unidos por un fin y con un objetivo.
Les propongo una América latina Unida, les propongo innovar con nuevos conceptos, abrir la mente y crear „EN EQUIPO“ lo impensado. Les pido que se sumen, que apoyen, se que podemos hacerlo, se que vamos a trabajar en equipo para que así sea.
Algunos ya lo sabían, otros tal vez lo escucharon, les quiero contar que me enorgullece formar parte del Directorio de WKF ya que fui nombrado en la ultimo reunión de presidentes en Buenos Aires Director para Latinoamerica.
Desde el 1ro de diciembre comenzare en el cargo con una propuesta innovadora para la Región. Gracias por la confianza a todos los Directores continentales (Europa, Asia, África, Medio Oriente, Australia y Norte América) y todos los que apoyan desde Sudamérica por su voto que me permite ocupar el cargo.Vamos a revolucionar el deporte, con trabajo, nivelando para arriba, América unida bajo la bandera del deporte de contacto!!
El pasado 23 de abril se disputó el titulo continental ProAm de los 67 kgs en Chile quedando en manos de Matías Retamal en un Grand Prix Internacional organizado por Ligawkfchile
Es la primera vez que se disputa este tiulo de WKF en el continente y este año hay programados 3 más!
Quiero agradecer a Ezequiel Cordobana por su participación, destacar la buena onda que pegamos junto a su entrenador Pablo Fernández y con el equipo de Uruguay lideradaro por Ignacio Valdez con quienes compartimos alojamiento en chile.
Desde Argentina esto se pudo lograr gracias a Road To ya que el circuito solventó todos los gastos del competidor para su viaje de Buenos a Chile.
Ahora el próximo cinturón será en Colombia ya informaremos el peso y la fecha.
Solo Road To te da está chance!
On April 23, the continental ProAm title of 67 kgs was disputed in Chile, remaining in the hands of Matías Retamal in an International Grand Prix organized by Ligawkfchile.
It is the first time that this WKFtitle has been disputed on the continent and this year there are scheduled3 more!
I want to thank Ezequiel Cordobana for his participation, highlighting the good vibes we had together with his coach Pablo Fernández and with the Uruguayan team led by Ignacio Valdez with whom we shared accommodation in Chile.
From Argentina this could be achieved thanks to Road To since the circuit covered all the competitor’s expenses for his trip from Buenos to Chile.
Now the next belt will be in Colombia and we will inform the weight and the date.
WKF – World Kickboxing Federation – is one of the greatest and World wide sanctioning body for Kick boxing and MMA in amateur and pro.
Visit our MMA division and you could find on our always updated web site all important facts, MMA rankings and news about MMA in our World sanctioning body.
For any requests contact our WKF head office by mail and visit our main web site
If you want to fight for our titles do not hesitate to sent a mail to our MMA office with your requests.
As everybody know, next World Championship 2024 is coming up in France.
Today we have 14 categories for forms/Kata/poomse/Hyong/creative etc.
To avoid any misunderstandings on the tatami or mat, I would like to ask you kindly one more time to read carefully the online WKF rule book for forms.
To see what is a traditional form, have a look here in two lists of forms.
What are the dress codes?
When does the timer start e.g. for traditional forms with and without weapons ?
Any traditional form / Kata etc. can be customized, but it still has to be recognizable.
From our official WKF recognized List and a traditional Japanese or Korean form or Kata!
In creative and freestyle: also compiled (with parts of existing forms) form using traditional techniques is permitted.
What is the time limit in creative forms or soft style forms?
All traditional Forms must be using traditional moves only.
Any traditional Form / Kata / Pommse / Hyong etc. must resemble a traditional work, an adaptation will be acceptable if added moves are of a traditional nature.
Any so called “allstyle” form is not a traditional one!
For any creative forms is just the division creative forms with music, with and without weapon.