WKF USA reports the next events in Miami

WKF USA Director Mr. Agustín ANDIARENA

Since February 19, the WKF Sports Director in the United States Mr. Agustín ANDIARENA will implement a work plan with a view to the WKF international championships.

We have now our first WKF sanctioned event 2023 in “Wolfpack Boxing Club” Miami, Florida, on April 29th.


Mr. Andiarena will work to be represented in FRANCE 2024 at the great and historic World Championship with a team from all over the USA.

In all mats and Ring sport disciplines, for the best ladies and men.

1964 – 2024 means 60 years World Kickboxing Federation


contact: wkfunitedstates@gmail.com


Best European female Heavyweight challenge any US girl for WKF K-1 title fight in USA

Alexandra “GODZILLA” PETRE, Austria
Godzilla wins again in Cairo

WKF EUROPE head office confirmed 2023 the interest of a promoter in USA,

to invite Austrian Girl Alexandra PETRE from Octagon pro Gym in Vienna, Austria.


the next US promoter


withdrew his offer


Is there no serious promoter in USA ?


Or NO real tough fighting girl in female

HEAVYWEIGHT + 145 lbs/ + 66 Kg ?


No challenge for Heavyweight female champion ?


Her remarkable fight record in K-1 today is:


36 fights, 33 wins, including 12 KOs



Weight class is the Ladies Heavyweight + 145 lbs/ + 66 kg,  favorite discipline is K-1.

But she fight also in Boxing female Heavyweight!

Alexandra also won the European Championships in October 2022 in Austria against strong opponents.


Alexandra is waiting your offer for 2023


“You’re not a champion, not the best fighter –

unless you beat the World champion”



– says Alexandra  😈 


Alexandra PETRE is current 8 times WKF European Champion, 2 x PRO-AM K-1 European Champion in two World federations, 3 x amateur World Champion and WKF Intercontinental Champion!

And PRO-AM WKF World Champion since September 24th, 2022 vs. the Brazilian girl Mariane OLIVEIERA

Now 2023 she want to challenge any US girl, ready for a real fight !


WKF PRO-AM World title belt

Alexandra is one of the best female K-1 Heavyweight Champion in the World + 145 lbs.

If you are seriously interested contact her team in Vienna by Mail

Ready for 5 x 2 minutes in K-1 rules -with or better without shin protections! Or boxing …


waiting for


your serious offer !

32nd Austrian Open 21/22 April 2023

WKF LV. Tirol and Headcoach KBC Innsbruck Gerhard CORRADINI

WKF AUSTRIA president Mrs. Tanja HELML announce next great international event 2023 in Innsbruck, Austria.
WKF AUSTRIA president Mrs. Tanja HELML

Promoter Gerhard CORRADINI and his team organize one more time in Innsbruck Austrian Open tournament.

Open for all countries, federations and teams.


For best men and Woman only !


full invitation is here



You can compete in


point fighting,

light contact ,

kick light and K-1 rules.


Registration deadline: Friday, April 14th


Upon your request by e-mail,

you will receive your access and password


Welcome to AustriaWelcome to Innsbruck 

News from WKF LATIN AMERICA / Noticias de América Latina

BOLIVIA, Capital Fight Champion

On March 11 in the city of Sucre – Bolivia, the “Capital Fight Champions” was organized by Professor Vismar Rueda and supervised by WKF Bolivia at the head of the International Promoter Oliver Guzmán.

Event in which the first Pro Am national belt of the year was played in the 60 Kg category. For this, a super four was scheduled where competitors from Cochabamba, La Paz and Sucre left everything in the ring to obtain the much-desired title. After 2 tough fights, finally Alejandro Galarza, representative of the “Alianza Bolivia” Academy in the city of La Paz, established himself as the national Champion of his category and was able to take home the acclaimed belt.


CHILE CUP, A SUCCESS fruit of great work.

The Chile Cup took place on March 4 in Santiago, it was a day full of emotions where competitors from all over the country gathered to give life to this Chilean kickboxing marathon. On this occasion, 320 bouts were held in 4 rings (!) where the champions of each category have a place in the Pan-American Championship that will take place in November in Buenos Aires. The event marked history in the country since year after year our beloved sport grows hand in hand with the entire board of directors and work team of WKF CHILE directed by Rodrigo Miño.


BOLIVIA, Capital Fight Champion

El pasado 11 de marzo en la ciudad de Sucre – Bolivia se llevó a cabo el “Capital Fight Champions” organizado por el Profesor Vismar Rueda y fiscalizado por WKF Bolivia a la cabeza del Promotor Internacional Oliver Guzmán.

Evento en el cual se disputó el primer cinturón nacional Pro Am del año en la categoría de los 60 Kg.


Para esto se programó un súper cuatro donde competidores de Cochabamba, La Paz y Sucre dejaron todo en el ring para obtener el tan deseado título.

Después de 2 duras peleas finalmente Alejandro Galarza representante de la Academia “Alianza Bolivia” de la ciudad de La Paz, se consagró como el Campeón nacional de su categoría y pudo llevarse a casa el aclamado cinturón.



Un EXITO fruto de un gran trabajo


La copa Chile se desarrolló el día 4 de marzo en Santiago, fue una jornada llena de emociones dónde competidores de todo el país se dieron cita para dar vida a esta maratón del kickboxing chileno.

En esta ocasión se realizaron 320 combates en 4 ring (!)  dónde los campeones de cada categoría llevan un cupo al campeonato Panamericano que se realizará en el mes de noviembre en buenos Aires.

El evento marco historia en el país ya que año a año crece nuestro amado deporte de la mano de toda la directiva y equipo de trabajo de WKF CHILE dirigida por Rodrigo Miño.

WKF USA, A new beginning


on February 19, the WKF Sports Director in the United States was appointed who will implement a work plan with a view to the WKF international championships.

From the Latin American office we officially welcome Agustín ANDIARENA to the WKF family, who will be our “MAN” in the USA, will wear our badge in the United States and will work to be present in FRANCE 2024 with a team from the North country.

contact: wkfunitedstates@gmail.com

Agustín Andiarena was the WKF world champion in Italy representing Argentina and today he resides in MIAMI USA and is very well related to Promoters and Local organizations.

We hope to see competitors from the USA at the championships soon.


News from Latin America / Últimas noticias de América Latina otra vez!

El pasado 4 de noviembre antes de la copa trasandina que defendió Argentina el actual campeon se realizo en Santiago de Chile el segundo nivel de la Capacitación de autoridades de Ring.

La misma conto con la presencia de representantes de diferentes regiones de Chile y fue organizada por el Director de WKF Rodrigo MIño Silva.

Quiero felicitar a todos los que lograron su nivel 2 y felicitar a Rodrigo por el gran trabajo que viene realizando en CHILE por el crecimiento del Kickboxing Nacional del pais Andino.


On November 4, before the trans-Andean cup that Argentina defended, the current champion, the second level of the Training of Ring authorities was held in Santiago de Chile.

It was attended by representatives from different regions of Chile and was organized by the Director of WKF Rodrigo MIño Silva. I want to congratulate all those who achieved his level 2 and congratulate Rodrigo for the great work he has been doing in CHILE for the growth of National Kickboxing in the Andean country.



World referee seminar 2022 in Wels, Austria


WKF AUSTRIA  president Mrs. Tanja HELML is the host of the next annual WKF World referee seminar 2022 on October  21st to 23rd.

Venue is the amazing 4 star Plaza Hotel Wels.

This is the perfect weekend, just before the European Championships 2022 in Wels, Austria. After more than 10 Years our World referee seminar takes place in Austria again.

We got already many requests from our male / female referees and officials from 6 continents and we hope everybody who would need Visa start in time with Visa procedure.


Invitation is here !


Registration deadline October 7th!


For details about the World seminar, Visa invitations, any requests about airport transfer and more contact our organizing team Mrs. Tanja HELML

Our update WKF licensed referee list is here !


Many photos of our international WKF referees here ! All rule books in 4 languages and more free to down load here !


All International WKF referees, who not has attended the last

last World referee seminar 2021 in Cairo, Egypt

seminars in Buenos Aires 2018 , Baia Mare 2019 or Cairo 2021 must extend their license 2022 in Austria.

The extended license is valid for three Years again.

Many photos from all WKF seminars since 2011 are here in the gallery!

Next World referee seminar in autumn 2023 before the upcoming European Championships


Please note: without valid WKF license

you are not qualified for WKF events !